Tuesday, October 4, 2011

AHF-Dunn: The Importance of Heroes

AHF-Dunn: The Importance of Heroes: Dr. Denenberg offered numerous suggestions for how to incorporate the study of heroes into EVERY classroom. I LOVED the extremely creative ...

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that I work with fabulous colleagues, you!. One thing stands out in my mind, and something different in yours. I like how you reminded me of the simple things teachers are able to do to expose t=students to new material that they may not have had a chance to learn elsewhere. For example, the bathroom passes with heroes. It seems like such quick and easy prep for something that could make a child learn, grow, and expand their knowledge about others and their amazing accomplishments. If you've created something, I would love to know what you did. I want to CASE (cope and steal everything) it.
    My students just started reading biography books for a report that will be due next Friday. I found a report form that I am going to use. I really want to modify it in the future and be able to make the ziplock bag presentation. Although we didn't pick "heroes" necessarily, I am trying something new with the biography report idea. I like to change things up a bit, and if I can keep kids READING, I've done a good job!!!
